Many people have had an opinion on the lovely locks of Chris Graff. Some people love it and some people hate it. So, we thought we would let you vote to decide whether he keeps the hair or cuts it. The votes are in – click on the video below to see who won.
A few of you have asked us to keep these GoFundMe accounts a little longer so you could still contribute. We will keep them open until March 15 so you can contribute to these four great charities. However, dollars contributed at this point will not affect the hair. They will affect these 4 great charities. So, keep contributing if you choose.
Thanks again everyone!
All Proceeds Shared Equally
with the following charities.

Why These Charities?
1. Leader Dog for the Blind is a worldwide organization that trains dogs to assist with visually impaired people. Chris and his family have fostered 2 puppies for the program and his wife Jennifer volunteers at the Rochester based headquarters.
2. Sloan Museum is a Flint Cultural Center Museum focused on Automotive heritage. Hank and Chris’s sister, Kim Whitmore, are currently involved in an ambitious renovation of the facility and ciriculum.
3. Davison Community Fund is one of 5 local community funds supported by the Community Fund of Greater Flint. This organization serves the long term needs of the Davison and aims to make Davison a better community today, tomorrow and well into the future. Chris serves as the immediate past chair of this fund.
4. Just for Kids is an organization near and dear to Chris’ partner in the Graff Bay City Dealership, Lisa Kusey–Rechsteiner. That organization has a multitude of ways to recognize kids doing right. Their impact is often needs based as they strive to make a difference, one child at a time.